Principal Message
Our children represent our hopes and dreams. As a parent, you want the best for your
child and we are proud to be working with you to ensure that they are given the right
knowledge to face future challenges.
Parents, students and the school authorities are a team and complement each other’s
efforts. Education is not just a process of giving knowledge for a future job but a lifelong
process which creates an understanding of moral and ethical values to guide one’s life
and make our students the future hope of the country.
To be successful, we need self – discipline which teaches us to sacrifice individual
interest in favour of group interest. A student who is taught discipline will learn the
power of self control and freedom and for this, they need guidance.
A large part of a child’s active life is spent in the school. However, every child gets
his/her emotional stability from the parents. It is the parent’s attitude that a child absorbs
and the interest and time that parents invest in children, is crucial for their development.
Please do attend the Parent – Teacher meetings regularly. You are welcome to meet the
teachers by appointment if there is any health problem. It is important to inform the
class teacher about any change in address and telephone number. It is also very
important that all fees are paid on time.
We reaffirm that learning is the chief priority of the school. We believe that a student’s
self esteem is enhanced by positive relationships and mutual respect among and
between students and staff. Provide a highly stimulating, rewarding and enriching
curriculum so that every child will find a certain degree of joy in learning.
Implement a curriculum that is meticulously planned and rich in content. Inculcate a
sense of concern and respect for nature so that they will not exploit it but hold it in
Towards the achievement of our goals we will recruit, employ, develop and retain a staff
who will share and contribute to the realization of our vision. We aim to preserve and
enhance the highest standards of excellence and prepare capable, responsible citizens
for the 21st century.
We ensure that students of Veer Public School go ahead to master the expanding
horizons of technology and also become the repository of a deep commitment to Indian
ethos and culture. We earnestly desire to train the students of Veer Public School to be
sensitive to the environmental concerns, evoking in them the feelings of nationalism and
communal harmony.